
In our category of Belgian special beers you can find Belgian beers which are not in the categories of  Abbey, Trappist, Fruit and Lambic and White beers.
In this category we have beer styles like, golden strong ale, saison, Belgian blond,sour and lots of other types of Belgian beers.
For more specific information about the style of the beer, you can find it in product details, the style that has every beer.

Belgium Special Beers

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Belgium Special Beers
Belgium Special Beers
Belgium Special Beers
Belgium Special Beers
Belgium Special Beers
Belgium Special Beers
Belgium Special Beers
Belgium Special Beers
Belgium Special Beers
Belgium Special Beers
Belgium Special Beers
Belgium Special Beers

Delirium Tremens beer has a pale blonde color, slightly malty aroma, peppery taste and long aftertaste.

The St. Sebastiaan Grand Cru is a golden, heavy fermented beer. It has aromas of fruits and herbs.

The St. Sebastiaan Dark has a strong, sweet aroma of caramel and malt and gives  the same full taste in the mouth.


The St. Paul Blond is an easy to drink beer. It has blond color and pleasant aroma which contains notes of citrus, pear and apple.


Barbar Bok is double fermented Belgian Dark strong ale.


Kasteel Donker is a full-body, malty beer with touches of caramel, chocolate and coffee flavors and aromas.


Leute Bokbier is a dark red beer. The aroma and the taste is full and smooth with roasted malt and caramel.


La Corne Blonde is a Belgian Pale Ale beer with hazy blond color and plentiful and creamy head.

This beer is being brewed with dark, very well-balanced malts according to the classic infusion methods.


La Corne Triple has great taste and amber to copper color.


La Corne Black beer has creamy foam and soft aromas of plum, blackberry and dried red fruits.